Jane's top 5 tips for perfecting personalised packaging...

Are you passionate about your packaging?

We understand we are more passionate about packaging than most, but are you passionate about yours?

With the amount of love, care and attention put into perfecting your products and services, does the same amount of attention to detail go into your packaging too?

There is a high chance that the answer to that question is a ‘no’ and you wouldn’t be alone. The truth is your packaging doesn’t just have to be functional, it can make a statement, and is a great way of effectively communicating about you, your brand, your business, and the product itself.

There are many effective ways of customising your packaging to suit your needs and style and our team are always on board to help. In the meantime here are some useful tips or ideas from our custom packaging specialist Jane, with some budget friendly top tips:

  1. Personalising your packaging with custom stamps can be a great mid-way option to customised packaging for smaller budgets. It is a fantastic way to add your brand’s identity and enhance your customers’ first impression of you.
  2. Belly bands are a fantastic alternative to printing directly on to product packaging, allowing versatility with design options and sizes specific to your needs, it is another great way of adding important customer information, perhaps on the inside, and specific to each product.
  3. Custom Printed tape is a really great way to add your branding to your outer-packaging for less. It is also handy if you are pushing a seasonal message or a temporary product promotion, and available in paper or vinyl custom printed options. *Top tip: if you ship a manner of items in all different quantities and sizes this is a great option for the outer or transit packaging. This means you don’t necessarily need to commit to printed packaging in multiple sizes, as you can add a personal touch by simply taping your orders ready for dispatch.
  4. Tissue paper is a great option, in either co-ordinating brand colours, to print yourself with logo stamps or co-ordinating patterns and designs, or to have custom printed for an ultra professional finish.
  5. Don’t forget a ‘thank you ‘ note, and never underestimate how a simple touch can have a lasting impact on your customers, after all they chose you and your business over your competition and it is important to make sure they know how much you appreciate their custom. It is also a great opportunity to ask for feedback, reviews, or a tagged social media post for you to share.

(Photo credit: @ogleepoglee, @ameliea_rose_cake_studio, @doughanimal, @little_pod, @Lukeholcombestudio)

For more top tips, packaging advice, or quotations for custom printed and bespoke packaging please feel free to get in touch. You can reach us 01295 816605 or email custom@bagnboxman.co.uk

Alternatively you can fill in this form and we will be in touch, we can’t wait to hear from you!

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